Lion Merle Dutt
2526 Gast Drive PO Box 67
Prospect OH 43342-0067

Vice President:
PDG Rob Murry
212 Ross St
Uhrichsville OH 44683

PID Steve Sherer
1090 Thomas Drive SW
New Philadelphia OH 44663

Newsletter Editor:
PID Steve Sherer
1090 Thomas Drive SW
New Philadelphia OH 44663

First Year Directors:
PDG Marty Savage
85 South Church Street
Thornville, OH 43076

PDG Bill Keller
513 N High Street
Kenton, OH 43326

PDG Dave Repass
5512 Lakewood Rd
Ravenna, Ohio 44266

Second Year Directors:
PDG Wayne Christen
46711 Sidehill Road
East Liverpool OH, 43920

PDG Francis Hensel
582 N 8th
Upper Sandusky, OH 43351

PDG Bill Keller
513 N High Street
Kenton, OH 43326


Welcome to the Ohio Lions Pin Traders Club.

(Front Row L-R) PDG Rob Murry, Lion Mary Ellen Sherer & PDG Dean Carruthers.
(Back Row L-R) PDG Dr. Jeff Hatfield, PDG Micheal Gibbs, PID Steve Sherer, Lion Merle Dutt,
PDG Bill Keller & PDG Francis Hensel.

OLPTC is on "Facebook"
PTCO Campaign 100 "18 Pin Set" Order Form.  
OLPTC Want Lists (Website)

 OLPTC Newsletter (Fall 2020) 
 OLPTC Awards.
LITPC Scholarship Information. (website)
    Alphabetical listing of Ohio Lions Club pins on line with Sub District location. 
 Alphabetical listings of Ohio Lions Club pins on line old district to current. 

 Alphabetical listing of Ohio Lioness and Leo pins on line old district to current. 
  Ohio Lions Pin Traders Application Form 
Ohio Lions Pin Traders Past Newsletters (website)
Pin Trading History

Rules Regarding Trading Pins

 Missing Ohio Lions Club Banners 

 OLPTC Pins Links Start Page (website) Added 4/5/2016)
Note: Listed below are the links to all the websites and subcategories start pages.
1. New postings and current worksheets website (2020).
2. Previous pins posting website (2009-2019).
3. Worksheet Archive Website (2012-2018)
Ohio Lions Pin Traders Club Pins and sub categories websites.
5. MD13 Pins Websites and sub categories websites.
6. District 13A-13K pins and sub categories websites. (1966-2016)
7. District 13A-13K pins and sub categories PDF Files. (1966-2016)
8. District 13 OH1-District 13 OH7 Pins and sub categories websites.
9. Lions Clubs International Pins and sub categories websites.

Other Links:
Lions International Pin Trading Club (LITPC)

This website is maintained by PDG Bill Keller and the content of this website may not be retrieved, displayed, modified, copied, printed, sold, downloaded, hired, reverse engineered or transmitted in any way without the prior written permission of the Ohio Lions Pin Traders Club.
 The content of our website including without limitation all information, text, photographs, and graphics are protected by copyright, trademarks or other proprietary rights of others or ourselves. An exception is specifically granted to all Lions, Lions Clubs, and authorized organizations that will use the information to further Lions causes.

 Ohio Lions Pin Traders Club 2024